dskys wrote:
I agree, if I could guarantee a 98+m Javelin (on the second throw) that would help and I'd do it every time instead of going for 2 x 1000pts and 1 throw - a few more points there. I need to tidy long jump up too but not much more I can do.
Yep. All I can think of myself having chance on beating my score, is to run 100 m faster than 7,74, compared to my highest scoring game. Yet even 0,15 sec faster would be 450 points more! I kinda nailed all events close max, except 100m was
only "good".
I run slower. Seriously. Two thumbs/index fingers on joypad, start off alternating quite slow until speed hits about 1050 then speed up til I hit 113x ish - there seems to be a block here unless I slow again to get tight rhythm. Once past this 'block' it's easy to get to 122x and then again there's a block. Here I speed back up as controlled as I can and have had over 1300 end speed once - with some daft time like 8.04 lol.
When running 'fast' I don't really move my right hand just keep it tense on the button with the joypad on the floor (dead arcade like lol) and my left hand vibrates creating like a see-saw motion (so I get free taps from my right thumb/finger) - makes 110h easy to do cos the pad's so small!!
I have a picture in my mind how you do it, not quite sure if the picture is right...Not very arcade like...but guess I'll have to live with it, as I had with my Marble score being beaten by an analog joypad or keyboard, uh.
Your speeds with this vibrating thingy seem to match very close to my speeds. Your pad must be very sensitive. I need leaf switch buttons!
Hotrod and 7,47...tough task.
Do you start slower in the beginning of run, as you previously said you'll try?
Yeah, see above
Hmmm...seems to work well. I shall try it too
I'd rather like to run all the way very fast...but that often seems to slowdown times, unless I hit absolutely perfect rhythm. I just tried few getting-back-into-form-games...felt that my speed was good, but rhythm was SO off, got over 8's a bunch of runs. Now, at my best I didn't run over 8's even with a lousy starts...ok, maybe I got 1 per day
Now my best was 7,82...and that was a lonely trooper
Yet got one 9,72 at longjump, again
Had 7.64 on 100m (18080 pts) and 9.72 on hurdles in the same game. Had 63000 at the start of hammer throw and messed it up lol. Endspeed isn't important, it seems. I have the inp of the above and I don't think it was particularly high.
You seem to be there speedwise already. If you had nailed 98 at hammer and 2,50 at highjump...Your score would've been 95600, at that 7,64 100m game. Well same thing has happened to me at my 7,60 s mame runs.
Your endspeed was high at that one(watch the screenshot, dude! lol). It even flashed quickly over 1300.
You're right though. If you run all the way fast, but jam at 1250 or such, that doesn't matter much. It only takes few? hundreds away from end of the run.
Yet, I like to see endspeed as an indicator that how fast is my max running speed. And it
does show when you get 1300 at 100m, that you did run fast all the way...rhythm was good and speed didn't stun at any point of the run.
I've had well under 7.9s with an endspeed of 123x - rhythm rhythm rhythm... Have a think about this: what if, when you're using three-finger technique, only ONE press per hand is being counted? You're rhythm would be excellent but effectively quite slow... hence good times.. just a thought.
That might be possible, good thinking...So you are kinda saying that when I mess up the technique I get better times.
I'll have a try, but just running slower with 6f...
When I feel I'm getting my rhythm right, I don't look at the speed meter. I just fully concentrate on the rhytmic rattling sound of the buttons, and making a relaxed but fast run.
When I have problems with rhythm, I do watch the speed meter.
At javelin and longjump I tend to watch speed meter close to the end.
I bet this post sounds, once again, abit nerdish for not-die-hard fans of the game, heh.
On your marks,