MAME 0.153 New Games

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MAME 0.153 New Games

Post by ***PL*** »

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18wheelu          "18 Wheeler (Upright)"
19xxj             "19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan 960104, yellow case)"
3stoogesa         "The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 2)"
4enlinea          "Cuatro en Linea"
acombat3          "Astro Combat (unencrypted)"
airass            "Air Assault (World)"
aking             "Angler King (AG1 Ver. A)"
amusco            "American Music Poker (V1.4)"
antiairc          "Anti-Aircraft [TTL]"
ar_argh           "Aaargh (Arcadia)"
archrivlb         "Arch Rivals (rev 2.0 5/03/89, 8-way Joystick bootleg)"
attckexd          "Attack [TTL]"
avenger           "Avenger [TTL]"
bballrmt          "Baseball (Ramtek) [TTL]"
berabohm          "Beraboh Man (Japan version C)" -> "Beraboh Man (Japan, Rev C)"
billlist          "Billard List"
bingo             "Bingo"
biplane4          "Biplane 4 [TTL]"
blockcarb         "Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2 (bootleg)"
cb3e              "Cherry Bonus III (set 4, encrypted bootleg)"
chasehqju         "Chase H.Q. (Japan, upright?)"
chewheel          "Cherry Wheel (Version 1.7)"
chinatow          "China Town (Ver 1B, Dino4 HW)"
cleanswp          "Clean Sweep [TTL]"
clubk2k3          "Club Kart: European Session (2003)"
clubk2kf          "Club Kart: European Session (2003, not protected)"
clubkprz          "Club Kart Prize"
clubkpzb          "Club Kart Prize Ver. B"
clubkrtd          "Club Kart: European Session (Rev D)"
cookbiba          "Cookie & Bibi (set 2)"
cps3bs32          "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930, bootleg for HD6417095 type SH2, V3)"
cps3bs32a         "Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930, bootleg for HD6417095 type SH2, older)"
crshnscr          "Crash 'n Score [TTL]"
crystal           "Crystal Colours (CMC hardware)"
csclubjy          "Capcom Sports Club (Japan 970722, yellow case)"
cswat             "Cosmoswat"
danceyes          "Dancing Eyes (US, DC3/VER.C)"
ddpdfk            "DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.5 (2008/06/23  MASTER VER 1.5)"
ddpdfk10          "DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Ver 1.0 (2008/05/16  MASTER VER)"
ddpdojh           "Dodonpachi Daioujou Tamashii (V201, China)"
deathrac          "Death Race [TTL]"
deathsm2          "Deathsmiles II: Makai no Merry Christmas (2009/10/14 MASTER VER 4.00)"
deathsml          "Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)"
deluxe5a          "Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 2)"
deluxe5b          "Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 3)"
destdrby          "Destruction Derby [TTL]"
discoboyp         "Disco Boy (Promat license?)"
dkonghrd          "Donkey Kong (hard kit)"
dsmbl             "Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label (2008/10/06 MEGABLACK LABEL VER)"
ec_bar7           "Bar 7 (Concept Games Ltd) (?)"
ejollyx9          "Euro Jolly X9"
espgal2           "Espgaluda II (2005/11/14 MASTER VER)"
fantasiab         "Fantasia (940429 PCB, set 2)"
fantzonepr        "Fantasy Zone (prototype)"
fghthistjb        "Fighter's History (Japan ver 41-04, DE-0380-1 PCB)"
flkatcka          "Flak Attack (Japan, PWB 450593 sub-board)"
flytigera         "Flying Tiger (set 2)"
fun4              "Fun Four (Set 1) [TTL]"
fun4a             "Fun Four (Set 2) [TTL]"
funkyjeta         "Funky Jet (World)"
futari10          "Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.0 (2006/10/23 MASTER VER.)"
futari15          "Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8.MASTER VER. 1.54.)"
futari15a         "Mushihime-Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 MASTER VER 1.54)"
futaribl          "Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER)"
galaxbsf2         "Galaxian (bootleg, set 3)"
galaxiaa          "Galaxia (set 2)"
galaxiab          "Galaxia (set 3)"
galaxiac          "Galaxia (set 4)"
galaxiani         "Galaxian (Irem)"
galaxrfgg         "Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Franco S.A. Spanish bootleg)"
galpani2e2        "Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.)"
galpani2gs        "Gals Panic II (Germany, single PCB)"
galpani3hk        "Gals Panic 3 (Hong Kong)"
goldfrui          "Gold Fruit"
grancapi          "Gran Capitan (Version 3)"
gulfstrmb         "Gulf Storm (set 3)"
gulfwar2a         "Gulf War II (set 2)"
gunman            "Gunman [TTL]"
gunnrose          "Guns and Roses (C606191SMP, Australia)"
gunwars           "Gunmen Wars (GM1 Ver. B)"
happy6            "Happy 6-in-1 (ver. 102CN)"
hopper            "SWP Hopper Board"
hunchbks2         "Hunchback (Scramble hardware, bootleg)"
hustlerb4         "Video Hustler (bootleg, set 2)"
ibara             "Ibara (2005/03/22 MASTER VER..)"
ibarablk          "Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006/02/06. MASTER VER.)"
ibarablka         "Ibara Kuro Black Label (2006/02/06 MASTER VER.)"
indy4             "Indy 4 [TTL]"
indy800           "Indy 800 [TTL]"
intrepidb2        "Intrepid (Loris bootleg)"
intrepidb3        "Intrepid (Elsys bootleg, set 2)"
jclub2ob          "Jockey Club II (older hardware, set 2)"
jetfight          "Jet Fighter (Set1) [TTL]"
jetfighta         "Jet Fighter (Set2) [TTL]"
jetwavej          "Jet Wave (JAB, Japan v1.04)"
jolycdid          "Jolly Card (Italian, different colors, set 1)"
jolycdie          "Jolly Card (Italian, different colors, set 2)"
jpcoin2           "Joker Poker (Coinmaster, Amusement Only)"
kartduel          "Kart Duel (Japan, KTD1/VER.A)"
keroppi           "Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0)"
kof95a            "The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084), alternate board"
kof98a            "The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (NGM-2420, alternate board)"
kov3              "Knights of Valour 3 (V102, China)"
lethalenub        "Lethal Enforcers (ver UAB, 09/01/92 11:12)"
lunapark          "Luna Park (set 1, dual program)"
lunaparkb         "Luna Park (set 2, dual program)"
lunaparkc         "Luna Park (set 3)"
m4rltst           "MPU4 Reel Test (3.0)"
magicbom          "Magic Bomb (Version 1)"
magworma          "Magic Worm (bootleg of Centipede, set 2)"
mamonoro          "Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta!"
manicpnc          "Manic Panic Ghosts!"
mazana            "Mazan: Flash of the Blade (MAZ3 Ver. A)"
mbaaa             "Melty Blood Actress Again (Ver. A)"
megaphx           "Mega Phoenix"
missw96a          "Miss World '96 (Nude) (set 2)"
missw96b          "Miss World '96 (Nude) (set 3)"
mmmbanc           "Medal Mahjong Moukari Bancho (2007/06/05 MASTER VER.)"
mmpork            "Muchi Muchi Pork! (2007/ 4/17 MASTER VER.)"
monacogp          "Monaco GP (Set 1) [TTL]"
monacogpa         "Monaco GP (Set 2) [TTL]"
mrdrillr-adv          "Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2) [Advanced]"
mrdrillr-beg          "Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2) [Beginner]"
mspacmancr        "Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg on Crush Roller Hardware)"
mtrapb            "Mouse Trap (bootleg)"
mushi2ea          "MushiKing II - The King Of Beetle II ENG (Ver. 2.001)"
mushik2e          "MushiKing II - The King Of Beetle II ENG (Ver. 1.001)"
mushisam          "Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12.MASTER VER.)"
mushisama         "Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12 MASTER VER.)"
mushisamb         "Mushihime-Sama (2004/10/12 MASTER VER)"
mushitam          "Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama (2005/09/09.MASTER VER)"
mushitama         "Puzzle! Mushihime-Tama (2005/09/09 MASTER VER)"
netmerc           "NetMerc?"
ninjaslt1         "Ninja Assault (NJA1 Ver. A)"
ninjaslt2         "Ninja Assault (NJA2 Ver. A)"
nmg5a-bg          "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2) [Bubble Gum]"
nmg5a-bl          "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2) [Box Logic]"
nmg5a-cp          "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2) [Cross Point]"
nmg5a-rt          "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2) [Rocktris]"
nmg5a-tb          "Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 2) [Tongo Boy]"
ohbakyuun         "Oh! Bakyuuun (Japan, OB1/VER.A)"
outlaw            "Outlaw [TTL]"
outrundxj         "Out Run (Japan, deluxe sitdown, FD1089A 317-0019)"
panicprkj         "Panic Park (PNP1 Ver. B)"
peip0041          "Player's Edge Plus (IP0041) Double Deuces Wild Poker - French"
pepp0008          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0008) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0010          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0010) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0014          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0014) Standard Draw Poker (International)"
pepp0014a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0014) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0023          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0023) 10's or Better"
pepp0040          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0040) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0041          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0041) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0051          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0051) Joker Poker"
pepp0053          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0053) Joker Poker (Aces or Better)"
pepp0055b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3)"
pepp0057          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0057) Deuces Wild Poker (set 1)"
pepp0057a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0057) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2)"
pepp0059          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0059) Two Pair or Better (set 1)"
pepp0059a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0059) Two Pair or Better (set 2)"
pepp0060          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0060) Standard Draw Poker (set 1)"
pepp0060a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0060) Standard Draw Poker (set 2)"
pepp0064          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0064) Joker Poker"
pepp0083          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0083) 10's or Better"
pepp0116          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0116) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0118          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0118) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0120          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0120) Wild Sevens Poker"
pepp0125          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0125) Deuces Wild Poker"
pepp0158a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 2)"
pepp0158b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 3)"
pepp0159          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0159) Standard Draw Poker (International)"
pepp0203b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0203) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 3)"
pepp0219          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0219) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0221a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0221) Standard Draw Poker (set 2)"
pepp0265a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0265) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 2)"
pepp0510          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0510) Standard Draw Poker"
pepp0514b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0514) Double Bonus Poker (set 3)"
pepp0531          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0531) Joker Poker"
pepp0713          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0713) Bonus Poker Deluxe"
pepp0725a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0725) Double Bonus Poker (set 2)"
peps0296          "Player's Edge Plus (PS0296) Haywire Slots"
peps0426          "Player's Edge Plus (PS0426) Sizzling Sevens Slots"
pex0040p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000040P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker"
pex0046p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000046P+XP000038) 10's or Better"
pex0053p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000053P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Aces or Better)"
pex0224p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000224P+XP000053) Deuces Wild Poker"
pex0265p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000265P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker"
pex0536p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000536P+XP000038) Joker Poker"
pex0537p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000537P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker"
pex0568p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000568P+XP000038) Joker Poker"
pex0588p          "Player's Edge Plus (X000588P+XP000038) Joker Poker"
pex2283p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002283P+XP000057) Dealt Deuces Wild Bonus Poker"
pex2284p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002284P+XP000057) Barbaric Decues Wild Bonus Poker"
pex2377p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002377P+XP000112) Super Double Bonus Poker"
pex2440p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002440P+XP000053) Deuces Wild Poker"
pex2461p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002461P+XP000055) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better)"
pexm006p          "Player's Edge Plus (XM00006P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker"
pexm008p          "Player's Edge Plus (XM00008P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker"
pexmp030          "Player's Edge Plus (XMP00030) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2426)"
pgalvip           "Pocket Gals V.I.P (set 1)"
pgalvipa          "Pocket Gals V.I.P (set 2)"
pinkswts          "Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER....)"
pinkswtsa         "Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER...)"
pinkswtsb         "Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/04/06 MASTER VER.)"
pinkswtsx         "Pink Sweets: Ibara Sorekara (2006/xx/xx MASTER VER.)"
pokersis          "unknown Sisteme France Poker"
pool10f           "Pool 10 (Italian, set 5)"
pool10g           "Pool 10 (Italian, set 6)"
pool10h           "Pool 10 (Italian, set 7)"
pool10i           "Pool 10 (Italian, set 8)"
puckpkmnb         "Puckman Pockimon (set 3)"
puyofevp          "Puyo Puyo Fever (prototype ver 0.01)"
queenotg          "Queen of the Games"
racingbj          "Racing Beat (Japan)"
radirgyn          "Radirgy Noa"
raiden2nl         "Raiden II (set 9, The Netherlands)"
raidendxnl        "Raiden DX (The Netherlands)"
ramtek3           "unknown Ramtek Game (Maybe Hockey?) [TTL]"
rcdino4           "unknown encrypted Royal Card (Dino4 HW)"
realbrod          "The Real Broadway (9131-20-00 R0A)"
record            "Record (Version 1)"
royal             "Royal (Pool 10 hack)"
royalcdfr         "Royal Card (French)"
royalcrdg         "Royal Card (Austrian, set 7, CMC C1030 HW)"
rrangerb          "Rough Ranger (v2.0, bootleg)"
sburners          "Street Burners [TTL]"
sc2bar7a          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 2)"
sc2bar7b          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 3)"
sc2bar7c          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 4)"
sc2bar7d          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 5)"
sc2bar7e          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 6)"
sc2bar7f          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 7)"
sc2bar7g          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 8)"
sc2bar7h          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 9)"
sc2bar7i          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 10)"
sc2bar7j          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 11)"
sc2bar7k          "Bar 7 (Concept) (set 12)"
sc2bbar7a         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 2)"
sc2bbar7b         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 3)"
sc2bbar7c         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 4)"
sc2bbar7d         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 5)"
sc2bbar7e         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 6)"
sc2bbar7f         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 7)"
sc2bbar7g         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 8)"
sc2bbar7h         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 9)"
sc2bbar7i         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 10)"
sc2bbar7j         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 11)"
sc2bbar7k         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 12)"
sc2bbar7l         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 13)"
sc2bbar7m         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 14)"
sc2bbar7n         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 15)"
sc2bbar7o         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 16)"
sc2bbar7p         "Big Bar 7 (Concept) (set 17)"
sf2amf2           "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg)"
sf2ceblp          "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (protected bootleg on non-dash board)"
sf2mdtb           "Street Fighter II': Magic Delta Turbo (bootleg, set 3)"
sfiiia            "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204)"
sfiiina           "Street Fighter III: New Generation (Asia 970204, NO CD, bios set 2)"
shangha3          "Shanghai III (World)"
shanghai          "Shanghai (World)"
sharkjaw          "Shark JAWS [TTL]"
snowbro2b         "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg)"
spec2kv           "Spectrum 2000 (vertical)"
spidmanj          "Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan)"
sstar97           "Super Star '97 (version V153B)"
starhrcl          "Star Horse (client)"
starhrct          "Star Horse (server)"
starhrse          "Star Horse (big screens)"
starhrsp          "Star Horse Progress (Rev A)"
steeplec          "Steeplechase [TTL]"
stntcycl          "Stunt Cycle [TTL]"
stoffyu           "Super Toffy (Unico license)"
super9            "Super Nove (Playmark)"
take5             "Take 5 [TTL]"
tank              "Tank/Tank II [TTL]"
tekken2jb         "Tekken 2 Ver.B (Japan, TES1/VER.B)"
tekken2jc         "Tekken 2 Ver.B (Japan, TES1/VER.C)"
tesorone230       "Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.30)"
titlefj           "Title Fight (Japan)"
trojanb           "Trojan (bootleg)"
ttblock           "T. T. Block [TTL]"
tv21              "T.V. 21"
tv21_3            "T.V. 21 III"
tvablast          "Aero Blasters (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvcolumn          "Columns (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvflaptw          "Final Lap Twin (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvfsoc90          "Formation Soccer - Human Cup '90 (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvgomola          "Gomola Speed (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvjchan           "Jackie Chan (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvpcgen2          "PC Genjin 2 - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvpoker           "T.V. Poker"
tvpow11           "Power Eleven (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvsssold          "Super Star Soldier (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
tvvolfd           "Volfied (Tourvision PCE bootleg)"
videtron2         "Videotron Poker (cards selector, set 2)"
viprp1k           "Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Korea)"
vollyrmt          "Volly (Ramtek) [TTL]"
vstennisb         "Vs. Tennis (Japan/USA, set 3)"
wcherry           "Win Cherry (ver 0.16 - 19990219)"
wipeormt          "Wipeout (Ramtek) [TTL]"
witchb            "Witch (With ranking)"
wldkicksb         "World Kicks PCB (WKC1 Ver. A)"
x2222             "X2222 (final debug?)"
x2222o            "X2222 (5-level prototype)"
yukiwo            "Yukiwo (World, prototype)"
zunou             "Touch De Zunou (Rev A)"
zzblock           "Zun Zun Block [TTL]"
zerowingw         "Zero Wing (2P set, Williams license)"
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Re: MAME 0.153 New Games

Post by mahlemiut »

funkyjet scores will need to be moved to funkyjeta...
- Barry Rodewald
MARP Assistant Web Maintainer
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Re: MAME 0.153 New Games

Post by ***PL*** »

Swapped scores for funkyjet and funkyjeta
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