MAME 0.156 New Games

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MAME 0.156 New Games

Post by ***PL*** »

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alinvade          "Alien Invaders"
arkretrnu         "Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02A 1997/02/10)"
atetrisb3         "Tetris (bootleg set 3)"
avefenixrf        "Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix)"
bbakraidc         "Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (China) (Tue Jun 8 1999)"
botanic           "Botanic (English / Spanish)"
cadashj           "Cadash (Japan, version 2)"
cadashjo          "Cadash (Japan, oldest version)"
ckongdks          "Donkey Kong (Spanish Crazy Kong bootleg)"
clubkrtc          "Club Kart: European Session (Rev C)"
clubpacm          "Club Pacman / Lambada (Argentina)"
cutefght          "Cute Fighters"
dariusu           "Darius (US, rev 2)"
dpatrol           "Desert Patrol [TTL]"
drgw2hk           "Dragon World II (ver. 100H, Hong Kong [Hokg Kong])"
dunkshot          "Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022)"
f355dlx           "Naomi Ferrari F355 Challenge (deluxe) Bios"
firetrapa         "Fire Trap (US, set 2)"
futaribl          "Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2009/11/27 INTERNATIONAL BL)"
galmonst          "Galaxy Monsters (Laguna S.A. Spanish bootleg of Space Invaders)"
hamaway           "Hammer Away (Japan, prototype)"
jt104             "JT-104 (title screen modification of Rad Action)"
kov2nloa          "Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V300, Taiwan)"
m1cluedobi2       "Cluedo (Maygay/BwB) v2.1 (Isle of Man) (M1A/B)"
m1cluedobi2p      "Cluedo (Maygay/BwB) v2.1 (Isle of Man) (Protocol) (M1A/B)"
magicbubb         "Magic Bubble (Adult version, YS-0211 PCB)"
megat             "Pit Boss Megatouch (9234-20-01)"
newufo            "New UFO Catcher (standard)"
newufo_nfl        "New UFO Catcher (Team NFL)"
newufo_sonic      "New UFO Catcher (Sonic The Hedgehog)"
newufo_xmas       "New UFO Catcher (Christmas season ROM kit)"
orleg2oa          "Oriental Legend 2 (V101, China)"
peivc006          "Player's Edge Plus (IVC006) Clear EEPROM Chip"
peke0017          "Player's Edge Plus (KE0017) Keno"
pemg0252          "Player's Choice (MG0252) Multi-Game"
pepp0040a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0040) Standard Draw Poker (International)"
pepp0042          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0042) 10's or Better"
pepp0043b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0043) 10's or Better (International, set 2)"
pepp0060b         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0060) Standard Draw Poker (Cruise)"
pepp0429a         "Player's Edge Plus (PP0429) Joker Poker (Aces or Better, set 2)"
peset004          "Player's Edge Plus (SET004) Set Chip"
pex2173p          "Player's Edge Plus (X002173P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker"
plgirls2b         "Play Girls 2 (bootleg)"
popn1             "Pop'n Music 1 (ver AA-A)"
raiden2sw         "Raiden II (Switzerland)"
realbrko          "Billiard Academy Real Break (Europe, older)"
saurorr           "Sauro (Recreativos Real S.A. license)"
sbrkoutc          "Super Breakout (Canyon and Vertical Breakout, prototype)"
secretagj         "Secret Agent (Japan revision 2)"
sf2b              "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg)"
smashdrv          "Smashing Drive"
solarwar          "Solar War"
sonic2mb          "Sonic 2 (bootleg of Megadrive version)"
sstrkfgta         "Sega Strike Fighter (Rev A, set 2)"
supduck           "Super Duck"
svgtw             "S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V101TW) (ARM label V101TW, ROM 06/20/05 S.V.G V100)"
tmhtb             "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, set 3)"
tronger           "Tron (Germany)"
ufo21             "UFO Catcher 21"
ufo800            "UFO Catcher 800"
ufomini           "UFO Catcher Mini"
vigilant          "Vigilante (World, Rev E)"
westdrm           "Western Dream"
windjamr          "Windjammer (021216)"
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