Code: Select all
*** new games
alchemst "Alchemist (01J02046, Venezuela)"
anpanman "Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Factory (Rev B)"
arizona "Arizona"
bootsctnua "Boot Scootin' (GHG1008-03, US)"
bparty "Bachelorette Party (BHG1248, US)"
*cashcat "Cash Cat (0100676V, NSW/ACT)"
*cashcata "Cash Cat (0100557V, NSW/ACT)"
ch2001 "Chess 2001"
chesster "Chesster Challenger (V1.3)"
cowboy "Cowboy Eight Ball"
discodan "Disco Dancing"
*dolphntrce "Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1607, US)"
*dolphntrceb "Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1519, US)"
dreamwv "Dream Weaver (0200586V, NSW/ACT)"
*dstbloom "Desert Bloom (0300111V, NSW/ACT)"
dynablstb3 "Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, set 3)"
eleciq "Electronic I.Q."
eurocom2 "Eurocom II V7"
fastfort "Fast Fortune (0100651V, NSW/ACT)"
fdes2100 "Designer 2100"
fexcel124 "The Excellence (model EP12, set 2)"
fexcelpb "The Par Excellence (rev. B)"
flashgalk "Flashgal (set 1, Kyugo logo)"
force "Force"
galpanicb "Gals Panic (MCU Protected, set 2)"
granits "Granit 'S'"
griffono "Griffon (Olympia bootleg of Phoenix)"
hd_l2 "Harley Davidson (L-2)"
hhotel "Haunted Hotel"
hustlerp "Hustler"
iq501 "IQ-501"
iq502 "IQ-502"
jumpjoey "Jumpin' Joey (0100383V, NSW/ACT)"
karnovjbl "Karnov (Japan, bootleg with NEC D8748HD)"
kgalaha "King Galah (0100536V, NSW/ACT)"
kishon "Kishon Chesster"
kkongltd "King Kong"
lb186 "Little Board/186"
*locoloot "Loco Loot (0100473V, NSW/ACT)"
luckyclo "Lucky Clover (0300109V, NSW/ACT)"
*magimask "Magic Mask (AHG1549, US)"
*magtcha5 "Magic Touch (0300455V, NSW/ACT)"
mammothm "Mammoth Money (0100425V, NSW/ACT)"
minemine "Mine, Mine, Mine (0400115V, NSW/ACT)"
monmousea "Money Mouse (0300469V, NSW/ACT)"
mountmona "Mountain Money (0100289V, NSW/ACT)"
mwskinst "Skins Game Tournament Edition"
nbapbpa "NBA Play By Play (ver AAB)"
openicea "2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.2A)"
orchidmsa "Orchid Mist (0100849V, NSW/ACT)"
oscara5a "Oscar (0100348V, NSW/ACT)"
outr2sto "OutRun 2 Special Tours (GDX-0014)"
pabball "Pro-Action Baseball"
penbrosk "Penguin Brothers (Japan, bootleg)"
pengpayc "Penguin Pays (0100113V, NSW/ACT)"
pengpuck "Penguin Pays - Penguin Pucks (EHG1257, US)"
penpir "Penguin Pirate (0100674V, NSW/ACT)"
penpira "Penguin Pirate (0200578V, NSW/ACT)"
phoenixi "Phoenix (IDI bootleg)"
potgoldu580 "Pot O' Gold (U.S. Games, v580F)"
*qnilebr "Queen of the Nile (0101707V, Brazil)"
*qnilece "Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1609, US)"
*qnilecea "Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1525, US)"
*qniled "Queen of the Nile (0101139V, NSW/ACT)"
*qnilev "Queen of the Nile (04J00784, Venezuela)"
quizwizc "Quiz Wiz Challenger"
radradj "Radical Radial (Japan)"
raiden2g "Raiden II (Germany)"
reelpwr "Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT)"
rushrst "Rushin Rooster (0100534V, NSW/ACT)"
sb486 "SB-486"
sbuk3a "Super Bucks III (0100711V, NSW/ACT)"
sf2em "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910129)"
sfrusha "San Francisco Rush (boot rom L 1.06A)"
sfrushrkw "San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 19 1997 / MAIN Aug 19 1997)"
sfrushrkwo "San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 6 1997 / MAIN Aug 5 1997)"
shangha3up "Shanghai III (US, prototype)"
shinygld "Shiny Golds"
slvrwolf "Silver Wolf (0100673V, NSW/ACT)"
snowcat "Snow Cat (0100405V, NSW/ACT)"
suprgolf "Super Crowns Golf (World)"
*swhr2 "Sweethearts II (0200465V, NSW/ACT)"
thndh "Thunder Heart (0200333V, NSW/ACT)"
thndha "Thunder Heart (0200334V, NSW/ACT)"
thor "Thor (0200319V, NSW/ACT)"
timetrv2 "Time Traveler (set 2)"
tmacltd2 "Time Machine (LTD, 2 players)"
tmacltd4 "Time Machine (LTD, 4 players)"
tricksht "Trick Shooter"
trpdlght "Tropical Delight (0100269V, NSW/ACT)"
unicornda "Unicorn Dreaming (0100813V, NSW/ACT)"
us2pfball "Electronic 2-Player Football"
uspbball "Programmable Baseball"
vikngkng "Viking King"
wangmid2o "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Export) (GDX-0016)"
waveterm "Waveterm A"
whtforce "White Force"
wikwin "Wicked Winnings (0100553V, NSW/ACT)"
wldangel "Wild Angels (0100337V, NSW/ACT)"
yukongl5 "Yukon Gold (03J00191, NSW/ACT)"
zephya "Zephy (alternate set)"
zoofari "Zoofari"
*** changed long
*comotion "Comotion" -> "CoMOTION"
dynablstb "Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg)" -> "Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, set 1)"
dynablstb2 "Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, alt)" -> "Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, set 2)"
dynobop "Dyno Bop" -> "Dyno Bop (V1.1)"
fscc9ps "Sensory 9 Playmatic S" -> "Sensory 9 Playmatic 'S'"
galpanica "Gals Panic (MCU Protected)" -> "Gals Panic (MCU Protected, set 1)"
griffon "Griffon (bootleg of Phoenix)" -> "Griffon (Videotron bootleg of Phoenix)"
montreux "Montreux" -> "Mephisto Montreux"
moonbase "Moon Base (set 1)" -> "Moon Base Zeta (set 1)"
moonbasea "Moon Base (set 2)" -> "Moon Base Zeta (set 2)"
nbapbp "NBA Play By Play" -> "NBA Play By Play (ver JAA)"
radrad "Radical Radial" -> "Radical Radial (US)"
scramblebf "Scramble (Karateko, French bootleg)" -> "Scramble (Karateco, French bootleg)"
sfrush "San Francisco Rush" -> "San Francisco Rush (boot rom L 1.0)"
sfrushrk "San Francisco Rush: The Rock" -> "San Francisco Rush: The Rock (boot rom L 1.0, GUTS Oct 6 1997 / MAIN Oct 16 1997)"
*swhr2v "Sweet Hearts II (01J01986, Venezuela)" -> "Sweethearts II (01J01986, Venezuela)"
timetrv "Time Traveler" -> "Time Traveler (set 1)"
voleybal "Voley Ball" -> "Volley"
*** changed short
*cashcat -> *cashcatnz "Cash Cat (0300863V, New Zealand)"
*chariotc -> *chariotcv "The Chariot Challenge (04J00714, Venezuela)"
*chariotca -> *chariotc "The Chariot Challenge (0100787V, NSW/ACT)"
chesster -> chesstera "Chesster Challenger"
cowboy -> cowboy2 "Cowboy Eight Ball 2"
*dolphntrce -> *dolphntrcea "Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1606, US)"
*dstbloom -> *dstblooma "Desert Bloom (0200111V, NSW/ACT)"
fexcelb -> fexcela "The Excellence (model 6080)"
*kgbirdmk5 -> *kgbirda5 "K.G. Bird (0200024V, NSW/ACT)"
*locoloot -> *locoloota "Loco Loot (0100472V, NSW/ACT)"
*magimask -> *magimaskb "Magic Mask (DHG1309, US)"
*magtcha5 -> *magtcha5a "Magic Touch (0200455V, NSW/ACT)"
minemine -> minemineu "Mine, Mine, Mine (VHG0416-99, US)"
*qnile -> *qnileb "Queen of the Nile (0100439V, NSW/ACT)"
*qnilea -> *qnilec "Queen of the Nile (0300440V, NSW/ACT)"
*qnileb -> *qnilea "Queen of the Nile (0200439V, NSW/ACT)"
*qnilec -> *qnile "Queen of the Nile (0300439V, NSW/ACT)"
raiden2g -> raiden2eg "Raiden II (easy version, Germany)"
*retrsama -> *retrsamb "Return of the Samurai (0200506V, NSW/ACT)"
*retrsamb -> *retrsama "Return of the Samurai (0200549V, NSW/ACT)"
suprgolf -> suprgolfj "Super Crowns Golf (Japan)"
*swhr2 -> *swhr2a "Sweethearts II (0200004V, NSW/ACT)"
trpdlght -> trpdlghtu "Tropical Delight (PHG0625-02, US)"
*** changed both
fexcela -> fexcel12 "The Excellence (model EP12)" -> "The Excellence (model EP12, set 1)"