MAME 0.188 Game Changes

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MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

Code: Select all

*** new games
abcheck           "Abnormal Check"
actfancr          "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3)"
aimode            "Ai-mode - Pet Shiiku"
arcmania          "Electronic Arcade Mania (Arcade Machine)"
arrball           "Arrange Ball"
beatclck2         "Beat the Clock (with flasher support)"
blokpong          "Block Pong-Pong"
bublboblp         "Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware)"
cobracoma         "Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4)"
csplayh6          "Mahjong Hanafuda Cosplay Tengoku 6 - Junai-hen (Japan)"
*cstrip           "Casino Strip"
*cstripix         "Casino Strip IX"
*cstripviii       "Casino Strip VIII"
ddboy             "Dam Dam Boy"
decomult          "Deco Cassette System Multigame (ROM based)"
dh_lf2            "Dirty Harry (LF-2)"
exospace          "Explorers of Space"
fromanc2          "Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan, newer)"
fvipersb          "Fighting Vipers (Revision B)"
gocowboy          "Go Go Cowboy (English, prize)"
goldnpkc          "Golden Poker Double Up (bootleg)"
igstet341         "Tetris (v341R)"
invadernc         "Space Invaders (Nas Corp bootleg)"
kageki            "Kageki (World)"
kblades           "Blades of Steel (handheld)"
kbucky            "Bucky O'Hare (handheld)"
legendsb          "Legend (SNES bootleg)"
loggerr2          "Logger (Rev.2)"
macjungl          "MAC Jungle"
mjgalpri          "Mahjong Gal-pri - World Gal-con Grandprix (Japan)"
mogitate          "Mahjong Mogitate"
motoxgov2a2       "Motocross Go! (MG2 Ver. A, set 2)"
nfs               "Need for Speed - 4 Cab Link (2 Discs) (v1.0.1 Rev B)"
nfsgt             "Need for Speed GT (Hard Drive+2 Discs) (v1.1.0 Rev C)"
nichidvd          "Nichibutsu High Rate DVD BIOS"
nichisel          "DVD Select (Japan)"
ninjaw1           "The Ninja Warriors (World, earlier version)"
nsupertr3         "New Super Triv III"
nupogodi          "Nu, pogodi!"
opwolfjsc         "Operation Wolf (Japan, SC)"
pcnfrk4m          "Percussion Freaks 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. AAA)"
pepp0006          "Player's Edge Plus (PP0006) Standard Draw Poker"
pokoachu          "PokoaPoka Onsen de CHU - Bijin 3 Shimai ni Kiotsukete! (Japan)"
renaimj           "Renai Mahjong Idol Gakuen (Japan)"
retofinvb         "Return of the Invaders (bootleg w/MCU)"
retofinvb3        "Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 3)"
sderby2           "Super Derby II"
sf2j17            "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210, CPS-B-17)"
silkwormp         "Silk Worm (prototype?)"
slrassltj         "Solar Assault Revised (ver JAA)"
slrassltj1        "Solar Assault (ver JAA)"
statriv5se        "Triv Five Special Edition"
striv             "Super Triv (English questions)"
tazmani3          "Tazz-Mania (Rodmar bootleg)"
tg100             "TG100"
tgaunt            "Gauntlet (handheld)"
tsjam             "Space Jam (handheld)"
tsonic            "Sonic The Hedgehog (handheld)"
tsuwaku           "Tsuugakuro no Yuuwaku (Japan)"
vgpmini           "VG Pocket Mini (VG-1500)"
vgpocket          "VG Pocket (VG-2000)"
vs42006b          "Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan) (Rev B) (GDT-0020B)"
vs4e              "Virtua Striker 4 (Export) (GDT-0014)"
waidrive          "WaiWai Drive"
warfac            "War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.91 Apr 13 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999)"
wldkickspw        "World Kicks PCB (World, WKC2 Ver.A)"
xevi3dg           "Xevious 3D/G (World, XV32/VER.A)"

*** changed short
actfancr -> actfancr2      "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"
fantasy -> fantasyg        "Fantasy (Germany)"
kageki -> kagekiu          "Kageki (US)"
sderby2 -> sderby2s        "Super Derby II (Satellite board)"
xevi3dg -> xevi3dgj        "Xevious 3D/G (Japan, XV31/VER.A)"

*** changed both
fromanc2 -> fromanc2o      "Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan)" -> "Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan, older)"
kinst2k3 -> kinst2uk       "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.3k, upgrade kit)" -> "Killer Instinct 2 (Upgrade kit)"
retofinv1 -> retofinvb1    "Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1)" -> "Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 1)"
retofinv2 -> retofinvb2    "Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2)" -> "Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 2)"
striv -> strivf            "Super Triv" -> "Super Triv (French questions)"

*** deletions
kinst13           "Killer Instinct (v1.3)"
kinst14           "Killer Instinct (v1.4)"
kinstp            "Killer Instinct (proto v4.7)"
kinst210          "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.0)"
kinst211          "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.1)"
kinst213          "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.3)"
kinst2k4          "Killer Instinct 2 (v1.4k, upgrade kit)"
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by Kale »

nichidvd is just a BIOS, as the name implies.
It's supposed to be used as a proper DVD player in a future update. ;)

Also anything that has "handheld" in the description isn't an Arcade game for obvious reasons.
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

If anyone can give me a pointer where I can find what is arcade, bios, hardware, pinball, etc. that would be terrific!!
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

The command 'record' does not work, what's the alternative?
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

Edit record.bat and change the executable to mame64, and then run it from a dos box.
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

Well, meanwhile I transfered a record.bat from another mame to mame188, then I was able to record.
How do I change the executable to mame64 ? (I always run from a dos box)

Also the command "playback" does not work...

I hope these difficulties will be again for this version only, and not for all mames from now on.
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

From file manager, right click playback.bat and select EDIT. Change the word that says wolfmame or mamearcade or whatever else it may have been in the past to mame64. Save the file.
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by mahlemiut »

Code: Select all

[bsr@x wolfmame]$ cat playback.bat
@echo off
if exist cfg\%1.cfg move cfg\%1.cfg cfg\%1.bak
if exist hi\%1.hi move hi\%1.hi hi\%1.bak
if exist nvram\%1.nv move nvram\%1.nv nvram\%1.bak
if exist diff\%1.dif move diff\%1.dif diff\%1.bak

mame64 %1 -playback %2.inp %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 -nvram_directory NUL

if exist cfg\%1.bak move cfg\%1.bak cfg\%1.cfg
if exist hi\%1.bak move hi\%1.bak hi\%1.hi
if exist nvram\%1.bak move nvram\%1.bak nvram\%1.nv
if exist diff\%1.bak move diff\%1.bak diff\%1.dif
This is the file in my current git folder, so it should be correct, unless I copied the wrong file (which I doubt) into the archive.
- Barry Rodewald
MARP Assistant Web Maintainer
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

This video has games which are missing from the list
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

Be more specific...

If they are pinball, handheld or gambling games, they will not be added!
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

Ok, if you don't have 4 min to see that video I' ll be more specific.
Here's the video's games which does not exist in your list

Double Dragon (Tiger handheld)
Alphatronic PC
Black Touch '96
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse
Ron II Mah-Jongg
Touch & Go (World)
World Rally 2: Twin Racing

***PL*** wrote: If they are pinball, handheld or gambling games, they will not be added!
But you still add gambling games, like
goldnpkc "Golden Poker Double Up (bootleg)
in this thread.

Btw, 6 months have passed from archiving a part of cards etc lucky games, when are you going to archive the rest?
And you include the pinballs? You' re going to archive games like "Pinball Action" ?
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by Kale »

He means pinball games that cannot be played in MAME needing mechanical parts (which cannot be simulated for obvious reasons).

As for your random list:

Code: Select all

Double Dragon (Tiger handheld)
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse  

INTELLEC 4/MOD 4                  
INTELLEC 4/MOD 40                
Alphatronic PC                         

Already in MARP database, the video shows them because they are promoted working in 0.188:
Black Touch '96                         
Ron II Mah-Jongg                     
Touch & Go (World)                  
World Rally 2: Twin Racing        
Four minutes were better spent into searching in the actual MARP database :roll:
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

Why you write green letters in a box?

My list is not random, it comes from that video(which is about 'new working machines 0.188').

The list in first post of this thread has already some handheld games. So the question is, why not all of them.

I was not talking for the marp database, I only asked why they' re missing from the list.
Is this what usually happens, the lists of PL are uncompleted?
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

@Kale, thank you for your clear explanation. Much appreciated!

@PP. I've been doing MARP updates for 20 years!! My lists are complete!! That video showed nothing new. But keep checking since it only takes you 4 minutes!!

If anything, I have too many games where the ONLY HARM is that they count towards the leaderboard.

So I make a very educated guess as to what should NOT be in MARP. Some will inevitably sneak through.

I'll repeat my 2nd post in this thread...
If anyone can give me a pointer where I can find what is arcade, bios, hardware, pinball, etc. that would be terrific!!

So yea, I still have to remove a few games

what else did I miss, like maybe BIOS ???

But right now, I'm extremely busy and have better things to do... Lately, I like being outdoors.

PP., I hope you are enjoying your summer. Never been to Greece, but I hear it's a nice place to vacation and visit some beaches.
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Re: MAME 0.188 Game Changes

Post by PP. »

Ok, so the handheld games of your list is a mistake.

6 months was not enough time to remove gamblings from phil and gc?

I 'd like to visit US...
If anyone can give me a pointer where I can find what is arcade, bios, hardware, pinball, etc. that would be terrific!!
Someone could think that since you 've been doing MARP updates for 20 years, you have connections with mame creators, why don't you ask them?
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