K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

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K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by GHEMANT »

ROUND 1 «PHASE 1» Golden Axe "goldnaxj" (Sega) 1989

Target Score: TOP 36 overall from ROUND 1 move on ROUND 2 (according to KnockOut 7’s rules you must be in the top 36 at the end of Phase 3 of Round 1 based on total leaderboard points earned from Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Round 1).


Duration of round: September 19th 2008 20:00 GMT – September 28th 2008 19:59 GMT [9 DAYS PLAY]


Since in each of the three phases of play of ROUND 1 there are special targets to reach, we decided to extend the duration of the competition for each of the first three phases by two days to give the players the ability to better study the selected games. The duration of later ROUNDS will be seven days.

Place in your ROMS folder: goldnaxe (parent ROM) + goldnaxj (set 4, Japan, FD1094 317-0121). We'll use the Japanese version for this tournament. If anybody is asking why we have chosen a clone ROM instead of the usual parent, the answer is simple: censored games are pitiful!



- Top scores known in the World –

«1990» 319.0 pts – 1CC NO MISS with NO MAGIC RULE – Player : Renzo Vignola (Gaplus) (ex Top score in Italy)


Finish this game without using magic attacks!! The top scoring player is the winner. All default settings. Since finishing the game without losing a life is more difficult that finishing it having lost lives, we will use the original scoring system and not the one listed in the MARP special rules for the game. So we will count the STRENGTH (HENSACHI in the japanese romset), that influences the score respectively if we finish the game and don't lose any lives. (+30,0 points) or if we lose one or two lives { [SCORE ÷ (n° DEAD+1)]+30 points}. In order to make sure the score is a whole number, we’ll multiply the STRENGTH by 10.

--------------------------------------------------------- Image ---------------------------------------------------------

Ok, the fight begins!
Let's start K7 with a very famous game from 1989. Just short of its 20th birthday, Golden Axe is a great unforgettable game that’s making its first appearance in a MARP tournament. The game is almost easy and not that long, and the gameplay is simple and intuitive. So in this first round everyone should be able to show what he’s got. The decision to abolish the use of magic might seem to be make things more demanding, but we actually adopted this rule to level the ability of players. Disallowing the use of magic will prevent stronger players from abusing magic in order to kill the same enemies multiple times. In other words you can consider Phase 1 like a sort of “easy level” :)

The history of the popularity of Golden Axe

Golden Axe is an action game set in a fantasy world ruled by swords and magic. The character must reach the castle of the powerful Death=Adder, who killed their families, and survive over many pitfalls and ruthless enemies, with the purpose of revenge against the cruel tyrant. Golden Axe was developed for the Arcade market and it was released in June 1989 by Sega. Makoto Uchida, who’d previously created Altered Beast, was the primary developer of the game. Using the buttons it's possible to execute many attacks, but it’s also possible to ride Chickeleg and Dragons stolen from the enemies... which is very funny and very useful in completing the game. There are five stages that have to be completed (during the path there will be four stages that work as bonus areas and are set during the night, this makes you imagine that the adventure lasts just five days). The great gameplay, the spectacular magic and the variety of attacks made Golden Axe a great success, and began the action game symbol of Sega. It was the most important game of 1989. You should also consider that the period in which the game was developed was marked by a growth of the fantasy genre (in which Golden Axe is fully involved). Thanks to the popularity reached by the arcade version, the game has been ported to many consoles and computers of the period and it maintains a special place in the heart of many players.

REMEMBER - there will be a Phase 2 and a Phase 3 of Round 1 after this, so if you stink at this game, you're not necessarily out yet!

The main news about this edition of the Knockout is the special targets to reach. These targets have been proposed to push players to reach their best performances and to let them find the most hidden parts of the games. The targets, if reached, allow players to add bonus points to their leaderboard point total for the Phase.

Remember that the first 6 gamers at the top of the leaderboard chart based on total points after the 3 phases of ROUND 1 will skip the 1-on-1 ROUND 2 and advance directly to the calmer ROUND 3. We expect that reaching the special targets listed below will be essential to reaching one of these 6 privileged positions. While allowing the top 6 players from ROUND 1 to skip ROUND 2 will probably deprive ROUND 2 of some of the best players, it also allows those players to avoid the sometimes frustrating and random matchups of ROUND 2. The targets highlighted in red are of extreme difficulty and we think it’s unlikely that anybody will reach them during K7. They are performances that would be difficult to reach even with much more time than the 9 days given for each Phase of ROUND 1. Regardless, we want to push players to their limits, and we expect these special targets to do that. Each target is characterized by a coefficient of difficulty (1 coefficient point = 25 bonus points for the score board).

IMPORTANT : If you reach one or more targets, write it in the comment of your replay, two examples: "K7 TARGET A" or "K7 TARGET B+D". It’s possible to perform multiple targets in the same replay. Target A (1CC No Miss) is also a requirement for all of the other Targets, so you don’t need to mention that you’ve achieved it in your comment if you’ve also achieved one of the other targets. If you reached all of the targets in the same replay, you’d add the maximum possible bonus points to your scoreboard total: (A+B+C+D+MISSION INPOSSIBLE = 50pts + 50pts + 100pts + 150pts + 950pts = total 1300pts). Exactly one player can also earn an extra 50 pts from the UNEXPECTED MISSION.


If you finish the game without losing a life, obtaining consequently 30 bonus points at the end of the game, you obtain an extra bonus for the scoreboard. It is a rather achievable goal.
+ 50 PTS in scoreboard


The difficulty grows significantly in this mission. Near some locations it's possible to put enemies (dead or alive) in the abyss. If you can do it thirty times, while still finishing the game without losing a life, you obtain a good extra bonus.
+ 50 PTS + 50 PTS = 100 PTS in scoreboard


If you finish the game without losing a life and without ever using a Bizarrian creatures (red and blue Dragon, Chickenleg), you obtain a good extra bonus.
+ 50 PTS + 100 PTS = 150 PTS in scoreboard


If you finish the game without being hit from the beginning until the conclusion of the game, you obtain an extra bonus: (note: this target is valid only if you're really never hit at all, this means that even if you suffer a light hit and don't lose a bar of energy, this special target is still considered as failed). It's an interesting mission for experienced players.
+ 50 PTS + 150 PTS = 200 PTS in scoreboard


This game has a maximum limit of possible points since the number of enemies is limited and never changes. Since the scoring system is well known, and it's prohibited to use magic, it's possible to calculate the maximum possible points accurately, if you know every pattern and the best strategies to use to reach this target. We will reveal the exact calculation of the maximum points limit only if even one player can reach this target (439.0 pts). It's an extreme mission, but not impossible even if the time at the player’s disposal isn't very long. If you finish the game earning the maximum possible points, and without losing a life, you obtain a very high extra bonus:
+ 50 PTS + 950 PTS = 1000 PTS in scoreboard


(congratulation The_Pro! This mission is sold out :lol: ) replay is available HERE (click with right button and save object...)

The first player to submit a replay to MARP that finishes the game on one credit, obtaining the minimum possible score and without using magic, will win a special bonus that will be added immediately to their leaderboard total and is not dependent on any later replays the player submits. This bonus is available only to the first player that obtains it. The first replay will be determined by when the replay is submitted to MARP, not when it was recorded.
+ 50 PTS in scoreboard

Except for the Unexpected Mission, the count of bonus points for a player will be taken from their final replay submission for Phase 1! This means that if you submit an early replay that meets a special target but the final replay you submit doesn’t meet the special target, you will not receive bonus points for the special target! Part of the strategy of the special targets is that players will have to decide if it’s better for their leaderboard total to submit a lower scoring replay that reaches one or more special targets, or better to submit a higher scoring replay that reaches none or fewer special targets. Finally, don’t forget that the use of magic, even inadvertently, will disqualify your replay.

Considering the fact that just the last replay sent is valid for bonus, we will update the leaderboard chart to fully reflect bonus points after verifying replays on the break day at the end of each phase.

- Player A reaches no special targets and finishes in 75th place = 5 pts
- Player B reaches no special targets and finishes in 37th place = 5 pts
- Player C reaches no special targets and finishes in 30th place = 40 pts
- Player D reaches special target A and finishes in 19th place = 50 + 95 = 145 pts
- Player E reaches special target B and finishes in 15th place = 50 + 50 + 115 = 215 pts
- Player F reaches special target C and finishes in 13th place = 50 + 100 + 125 = 275 pts
- Player G reaches special targets B and C and finishes in 21st place = 50 + 50 + 100 + 85 = 285 pts
- Player H reaches special target D and finishes in 12th place = 50 + 150 + 135 = 335 pts
- Player I reaches no special targets and finishes in 2nd place = 350 pts
- Player J reaches special targets B, C and D and finishes in 16th place = 50 + 50 + 100 + 150 + 110 = 460 pts
- Player K reaches special targets B, C, D and IMPOSSIBLE while finishing in 1st place and also is the first to claim the Unexpected Mission points = 50 + 50 + 100 + 150 + 950 + 400 + 50 = 1750 pts

----------------------------------------------------------------LEADERBOARD (click here to read) --------------------------------------------------------------

01. 4105 – 550 PTS (Position 400 pts + Target 150 pts) Target A + B + UNEXPECTED – Player : The_Pro
02. 4015 - 500 PTS (Position 300 pts + Target 200 pts) Target A + B + C - Player : Pat33999
03. 4035 - 450 PTS (Position 350 pts + Target 100 pts) Target A + B – Player : MJSTY
04. 3705 – 385 PTS (Position 185 pts + Target 200 pts) Target A + B + C – Player : Last Ninja 2
05. 3845 - 380 PTS (Position 230 pts + Target 150 pts) Target A + C – Player : Innuendo
06. 3985 – 370 PTS (Position 270 pts + Target 100 pts) Target A + B – Player : VERTEX-DAN
07. 3935 – 350 PTS (Position 250 pts + Target 100 pts) Target A + B – Player : PhoenixReloaded
08. 3795 – 300 PTS (Position 200 pts + Target 100 pts) Target A + B – Player : Verty
09. 3625 – 270 PTS (Position 170 pts + Target 100 pts) Target A + B – Player : SFCHAMP
10. 2725 – 210 PTS (Position 010 pts + Target 200 pts) Target A + D - Player : Spinalblood (the only one player with target D)
11. 3590 – 205 PTS (Position 155 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Atomo
12. 3535 – 195 PTS (Position 145 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Jinkot
13. 3495 – 185 PTS (Position 135 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Flutotal
14. 3470 – 175 PTS (Position 125 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Cacis
15. 3435 – 170 PTS (Position 120 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Kale
16. 3395 – 165 PTS (Position 115 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : BBH
16. 3395 – 165 PTS (Position 115 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Ogemalis
18. 3345 – 155 PTS (Position 105 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : RAX
19. 3325 – 150 PTS (Position 100 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Fran
20. 3255 – 145 PTS (Position 095 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : abodreams
21. 3220 – 140 PTS (Position 090 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Tekkaman
22. 3205 – 135 PTS (Position 085 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Essekappa
23. 3140 – 130 PTS (Position 080 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Notman
24. 3135 – 125 PTS (Position 075 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Peter Punk
25. 3095 – 120 PTS (Position 070 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Djordman
26. 3020 – 115 PTS (Position 065 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Nanni
27. 3005 – 110 PTS (Position 060 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : ZeroMax
28. 2925 – 105 PTS (Position 055 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Sawys
29. 2885 – 100 PTS (Position 050 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : el wil
30. 2865 – 095 PTS (Position 045 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : JoshF
31. 2855 – 090 PTS (Position 040 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Massimo Gaspari
32. 2840 – 085 PTS (Position 035 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Gaplus
33. 2830 - 080 PTS (Position 030 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : RdP
34. 2785 – 075 PTS (Position 025 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Joe
35. 2770 – 070 PTS (Position 020 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Destructor
36. 2765 – 065 PTS (Position 015 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Dix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beyond this line is dangerous :!:
37. 2710 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A - Player : Mahlemiut
38. 2600 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Redstar
39. 2570 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Potante
40. 2540 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Phil Lamat
41. 2505 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : jm2003
42. 2475 – 055 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 050 pts) Target A – Player : Udirnel
43. 1748 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Lippo
44. 1610 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Abbe
45. 1545 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : RJM
46. 1525 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) - Player : Arjan Gnodde
47. 1508 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Ballas
48. 1490 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : fzr
49. 1488 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Saru3000
50. 1465 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Dark Kariya
51. 1460 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : AristaDeVedel
52. 1430 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : BDFil
53. 1408 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : nibbler_69@AIVA
54. 1330 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Wonderbraga
55. 1323 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : BeeJay
56. 1300 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Nev
57. 1295 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) - Player : IB angelo
58. 1275 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : s famicom
58. 1275 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Zotmeister
60. 1255 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Agodzilla
61. 1238 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Stencio
62. 1200 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Gio6088
63. 1175 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : RichyS
64. 1130 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) - Player : Don Hayes
65. 1073 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Alessandro S.
66. 0925 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Bigboudda
67. 0915 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Massimiliano
68. 0895 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Blost
69. 0875 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Phoenix151081
70. 0858 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) - Player : Killjoy24
71. 0855 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) - Player : Alex Weir
72. 0758 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : JLr-DF
73. 0733 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : JulioTerry
74. 0728 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
75. 0705 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Skito
76. 0675 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Long John Silver
77. 0665 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Outbackjack (wlf file missing but AVERAGE SPEED is sure >95%)
78. 0653 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Powerman7t
79. 0468 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : f205v
80. 0460 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Yar
81. 0443 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Flop
82. 0430 – 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Gerhard Schindler
83. 0360 - 005 PTS (Position 005 pts + Target 000 pts) – Player : Danny Cunningham

Out of leaderboard (for now)

Coordinators replay demonstration :

Gastrainga - 2820 pts
Gemant - 2710 pts (target A+D never damage)
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by Phil Lamat »

Ghemant, the link for your guide MJS is giving in his desc box seems dead :

is it somewhere else ?
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by GHEMANT »

sorry Phil but AIVA site is dead from 1 year...
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by Phil Lamat »

I know, I was just asking if you put this guide, or maybe part of it, somewhere else, as I suppose it was your own work.

Better than nothing, an old thread about Golden Axe scoring :
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by RAX »

It seems there is a bit confusion in first uploads.
MARP upload rule says SCORE*10, I think this should in any case respected for uploads
In K7 leaderboard Hensachi*10 will count, obviously, but for the upload activity we should report Score*10.

I suggest to write a full comment, like this example

Description: "K7- Score NNN,N - Hensachi XXX,X - Target A,B,C"

and NNNN goes to the basic scoreboard, XXXX will count to the K7 leaderboard algorythm
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule


I don't understand a thing in the rules... "In order to make sure the score is a whole number, we’ll multiply the STRENGTH by 10."

I've beat the game with no miss and 273 points of Hensachi , my score is 273 * 10 ?????

Or only 273 ?

Thanks! :)
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by Kale »

SFCHAMPION wrote:I don't understand a thing in the rules... "In order to make sure the score is a whole number, we’ll multiply the STRENGTH by 10."

I've beat the game with no miss and 273 points of Hensachi , my score is 273 * 10 ?????

Or only 273 ?

Thanks! :)
It's 273*10=2730
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule


OK !

Score Edit :)

Thanks! :)
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by The_Pro »

So, beating Death Adder without taking out his 3 minions and before the black skeletons appear? Not easy.
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by powerman7t »

Sweet! At least it is a game that I have played a little. I have beat the Genesis/Mega Drive version on 1 credit, but without Tyris's sweet magic .... oh boy! This will be fun, though! :D
So, beating Death Adder without taking out his 3 minions and before the black skeletons appear? Not easy.
You can do it, Martin! =D> I will be lucky to get past stage 3 or 4, but I may surprise myself.

Good luck everybody!!!
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by Zhorik »

Ok, there seems to be a good bit of confusion on how scoring works on this game for K7 and what score to use when submitting.

For K7, we're are using, K7 Score = Hensachi * 10. Don't use the "Score" you see on the final screen! Use Hensachi * 10 instead!!!

For example both Gerhard Schindler and JLr-DF have submitted replays with claimed scores of "10" and "100". Gerhard took his "Score" on the final screen of 10 and used that. JLr-DF took his score on the final screen of 10 and took it 10*10 = 100. Those are both wrong. They both had a Hensachi of 35.0 and should have reported a score of "350" when submitting for K7.

Rather than using RAX's suggestion of submitting with a MARP Score of Score * 10 and listing your Hensachi in your description, I think it's easier for everybody to just submit with a MARP Score of Hensachi * 10. After K7 is over if we need to go back and adjust all the scores to use the current MARP special rule for the game, we can do that after the tournament. Phil Lamat went in and listed the Hensachi for all pre-existing submissions on the game, so we'll be able to easily tell which ones those are and what there Hensachi was. The other option would be if an editor wanted to add a "k7-goldnaxj" romset for us to use strictly for the purposes of K7, but for now please submit treating Hensachi * 10 as your score.

One other comment, if you reach a Special Target, please list it by letter in your description. SFChamp reached Target A and listed "K7 1 CC! No Miss!". It's preferable if instead you just used "K7 Target A"

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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by The_Pro »

Haha, I actually did kill death adder without killing his minions, but at some point during the game I forgot I was going for least points and dumped a guy in the pit! Dumb!!!
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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by AL »

And you wonder why people drop out? If a game is gonna be picked, please explain the scoring mechanism a lá George Strain (beforehand)

Maybe it's just me. I apologise, currently intoxicated, with no future magic spells on this game?
Oh well, I'll just get as far as I can.


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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by Zhorik »

AL wrote:And you wonder why people drop out? If a game is gonna be picked, please explain the scoring mechanism a lá George Strain (beforehand)

Maybe it's just me. I apologise, currently intoxicated, with no future magic spells on this game?
Oh well, I'll just get as far as I can.


Al, to be fair to the coordinators, I've been helping out with editing the English in the tournament game announcements, so I'm as much to blame that the initial announcement wasn't clear as anybody. I'd hoped the announcement was sufficient, but once it became clear after the first few submissions that there was confusion I wanted to help clear it up. Hopefully the scoring on this game is about as confusing as it can get, and things will get easier down the road :)

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Re: K7 - Round 1 - Part 1 - Golden Axe (goldnaxj) no magic rule

Post by AL »

Fair enough George.

I'm still in Shock-Mode. A) Richard Wright dead, and B) THAT score on TGTS by Bill Jones on Defender.
Weehawk, if you are reading this, re-admit yourself to the nearest mental care 'facility'.

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