MAME 0.257 Game Changes

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MAME 0.257 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

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*** new games
barek3mba         "Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected)"
countrunb3        "Counter Run (bootleg set 3)"
daiohp3           "Daioh (prototype, earliest)"
firetrka          "Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version)"
froggereb         "Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg)"
hatrisp           "Hatris (show version)"
mkla3bl           "Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0 08/31/92)"
nemoja            "Nemo (Japan 901120, 89625B-1 ROM board)"
nzeroteama        "New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, Zhongguo Shantou Yihuang license)"
qncrash           "Quick & Crash (V2.200)"
terrafua          "Terra Force (US, alternate sound)"

*** changed both
meikyuha -> meikyuhbl      "Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, set 2)" -> "Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, bootleg)"
nzeroteama -> nzeroteamb   "New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, China?)" -> "New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, Haoyunlai Trading Company license)"
seabattla -> armada        "Sea Battle (set 2)" -> "Armada"
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