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Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 1:05 am
by Chad
yes, i was able to playback arx and jfa's to their advertised scores with the hiscore.dat provided. Upon further investigation, these recordings playback perfectly if everything in hiscore.dat BUT the gunbird entry is REMOVED. If the gunbird entry in hiscore.dat is changed by a bit, these recordings do not playback. I believe newer mames do away with the hi files and use the hiscore.dat for storing hi's and of course the emulations use hiscores as part of the random seeds and the seeds are thus not stored in the inp file so these inp won't playback with out the same seeds fed in at playback as were there when recording. and guess what happens when you set the hiscore during a recording, the inp you just made will never playback unless you remembered what the hiscore.dat had there previously.

gb9: I move that we treat hiscore.dat as nvram files, they must be deleted before recording, this should come to a vote pretty soon.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 9:52 pm
by mahlemiut
I've had a little muck around with hiscore.dat now.

I tried to see if it made any difference with Thunderforce AC, which it didn't. It didn't make any difference whether there was a .hi file present or not. In fact, it does not use it at all when using -playback.

Now, I am looking through the MAME source to see if there is anything noticable regarding hiscore.dat itself.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 6:31 am
by BBH
fuck it, I'm just deleting the recording. not much I can do about it since my computer is too shitty to be able to play it without heavy frameskip.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 12:26 am
by mahlemiut
BBH, your recording played back fine for me with sound disabled, so long as hiscore.dat was present. Without hiscore.dat, it craps out pretty much instantly. In neither case, no gunbird.hi file was used or created. My playback script moves .hi files anyway, but I am pretty sure MAME ignores them anyway when playing back a recording.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 1:49 am
by Chad
barry did you let it playback passed 226k? i can't get bbh's to go passed there with the hiscore.dat existing. with out it doesn't get beyond 91k. (sound on best)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 3:56 am
by mahlemiut
Yes, it played back to 548,800 with sound disabled.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 4:48 am
by BBH
Like I said, fuck it. Even if it does work with that hiscore.dat, the recording won't be valid if it's ruled that hiscore.dat must not be present before recording. I'll just have to return to this game whenever I get a new computer, or the code gets optimized (BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH.... I kill me)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 3:19 am
by Chad
just for completing this issue, all three top recordings can be played back with the hiscore.dat, i was able to playback with DOS mame57 and sound off bbh's recording, the others played back with mamew and sound on.

But the vote will be in a week or so after i do some more testing and i get a full agreement from the remaining editors.