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Quarth (Japan) - nick666101

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:11 am
by edusword
I would like to know why the Quarth replay of nick666101 has been confirmed. This replay is on first position, and it has been played using the normal version of WinMAME 0.157 (no WolfMAME was used). MARP has rules, and so the rules must be met. This replay does not meet Rule 3b:

3b) Since April 15, 2007, use of WolfMAME is required if you take first place in any game.


Re: Quarth (Japan) - nick666101

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:35 pm
by mahlemiut
Because a) it plays back, and b) I'm not big on that rule personally (encourages people to stick to 0.106). I'm sure Skito or Phil or someone will get to it eventually, though.

Re: Quarth (Japan) - nick666101

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:23 am
by edusword
I'm not agree with you. If MARP has some rules, these rules need to be met. Breaking rules only in some cases is unfair. It's my opinion.

Re: Quarth (Japan) - nick666101

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:33 pm
by Haze
you keep WolfMAME updated, so I'm not sure how it encourages people to use old versions.

As I said in another thread I would introduce a similar rule that an older versions *can't* trump a newer one, unless there's a special rule (eg. emulation is broken in a newer version) that would help greatly.

Yes, maybe people on old hardware will find it unfair, but for 99% of the games emulated in MAME, that people are competing on, a 6 year old PC will run them at full speed in the current version.

Re: Quarth (Japan) - nick666101

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:45 pm
by mahlemiut
There's also the "too thick/lazy to learn how to use a commandline application or use QMC2/MAMEPGUI/whatever other GUIs there are out there" type of people. Unfortunately, they're pretty common.