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MAME 0.266 Game Changes

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:47 pm
by ***PL***

Code: Select all

*** new games
atetb5205         "Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205)"
ddragonja         "Double Dragon (Japan set 2)"
froggeg           "Frog (Hermatic, bootleg on Galaxian hardware from Electro Game)"
hustlerb7         "Video Hustler (bootleg, set 5)"
jumpbugbrf        "Jump Bug (bootleg, set 2)"
kongball          "Kong Ball (early prototype)"
pacmanblva        "Pac-Man (Video Dens, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 2)"
pwball            "Power Ball (prototype)"
qncrasha          "Quick & Crash (set 2)"
radendur          "Radical Enduro (early prototype)"
secretagm         "Secret Agent (Modular System)"
sgalwars          "Super Galactic Wars (bootleg of Galaxian)"
superbikg         "Superbike (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)"
tairyodk          "Tairyo-Daiko 337 Byoshi"
theglobpa         "The Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 2)"
trojanra          "Trojan (Romstar, set 2)"
zerotimeb         "Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 2)"

*** changed short
avengersb -> avengersc        "Avengers (US)"
ddragonw -> ddragon           "Double Dragon (World set 1)"
ddragonb -> ddragonbl         "Double Dragon (bootleg with HD6309)"
ddragonb2 -> ddragonbl2       "Double Dragon (bootleg)"
ddragonba -> ddragonbla       "Double Dragon (bootleg with MC6803)"
ddragonw1 -> ddragona         "Double Dragon (World set 2)"
ddragon2b -> ddragon2bl       "Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US, bootleg)"

*** changed both
avengersc -> avengers         "Avengers (US, unknown revision)" -> "Avengers (US, rev. D)"
avengersa -> avengersb        "Avengers (US, revision A)" -> "Avengers (US, rev. A)"
avengers -> avengersa         "Avengers (US, revision C)" -> "Avengers (US, rev. C)"
bongoa -> bongog              "Bongo (set 2)" -> "Bongo (Galaxian hardware)"
ddragon -> ddragonj           "Double Dragon (Japan)" -> "Double Dragon (Japan set 1)"
lwings2 -> lwingsa            "Legendary Wings (US set 2)" -> "Legendary Wings (US)"
zerotimeu -> zerotimea        "Zero Time (Spanish bootleg)" -> "Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 1)"