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I'm back from the NH tournement!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 1999 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
One word to describe it, AWESOME!!!! What a kick-ass time I had this past 4 day weekend. If I spoke on every thing that happened over the 4 days, it would fill a book! A few things that stand out in my mind as I flew home on Monday morning was when I witness history in the making when on Sunday morning at 12:30, Rick Fothergil set a new world record on Pacman beating the current one held by Chris Ayra for over 12 years. He got 90 points shy of a "Perfect" game, 3,333,180 pts! 4 days of non-stop playing with dozens of die-hard gamers as well as world champs is a dream come true. I spent several hours throughout the weekend helping Billy Mitchell keep 'focused' while he make numerous attempts to get the "perfect game" on Pacman. Then in between we jumped on Burger Time where we worked on racking up 80 peppers for the almost unbeatable stage 28. For all those who couldn't attend this year... there's always next year, and NO EXCUSES!!!! because we had a guy from Isreal come to the tournement to give a shot at the Ms Pacman title when we thought it was a hoax and it was in fact for real. Next year is going to be 10 times bigger then this year for sure! I lost track of how many times I was interviewed by the media from all over the state and surrounding states as well as gaming magazines. Just in case no one seen an of th articles about the tournement, I will include a write up from one particular paper that covered the event and put it up in another message. Within a few days, you will be able to read about and see all the photos from all the stories covered from all the different media over the coarse of the weekend.

Steve Krogman


Posted: Mon May 10, 1999 12:30 pm
by BeeJay

I'm disappointed....... you only scored just over 7mill on
Galaga..... and after all my encouraging training...... ;-)




PS: Maybe it's time for me to start saving money for next year....
the final Twin Galaxies tournament of the Millenium !!!


Posted: Tue May 11, 1999 12:30 pm
by Pat Laffaye
For me too it was a thrill to finally meet and chat with world class
players! It was an experience like no other I've ever had at an
arcade. Watching great players and being watched, talking to all the
media, book signings, etc! All I can say is WOW, what an event!!


The dates have just been set for next year's tourney. The tourney
will be a little later in the year but one day longer. June 1-4,
2000. Mark your calendar NOW!


