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Post by The TJT »

I say nothing for the 4th place 8O
Percentage scoring has different views if you think about Galaga versus Track&Field.

Btw, where do I find the old 10-3-1 style leaderboard?
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Post by The TJT »

The TJT wrote:I say nothing for the 4th place
Hehheh, What I meant was- no points for 4th place
(back to English-speaking-countries-conversation:o)
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Post by The TJT »

...Or if we want to be REALLY elitistic, sort players by number of first places only.
Yet then again the truth will not be revealed-first place at Galaga counts much more in my book than many other first places(no example given).
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Post by Novice »


Leaving a good player like Ghemant is big loss.
Guys who said "then leave the marp" never make "something worth to see" even if it were not for the LB. but Ghemant can.
If you got irritate who uploads so many worthless recordings,then ignore them. they can not uplpad any recordings you want after all.
100 men may have 100 different enjoy.
you had not better speak ill of others even if he made so many junks.
you should enjoy YOUR method.

Nvram issue is "Rule". you must do as marpers in marp. not more than it.
90%+ speed problem is "Rule",too. if you can not accept, upload it after your machine(or version) works well.
#it is the reason I can not upload most of shooters which my favorites.

Takuro's dodonpachi affair is not problem of MARP.
again I must say. Takuro( own his personal page.
this page has some recordings which does not care about slowdown.
and 753M at dodonpachi is in there.
(current Arcadia record of Type-C is 719.8million. No one can play like it in actual machine!!)
and he mentioned it about his page.
THE FACT of this affair is

1 TAKURO made inp using slowdown.
2 and upload it on his page just to show. not competiton.
3 someone not TAKURO steal it from the page
4 and upload it into MARP
5 coordinator DQed it.

Not because of nationality, not because of "MARP is CRAP"
uploader is extreme stupid.
If coordingator submit it, I MUST APPEAL the his unfair.
it is the fact of this affair. ok??

and.... a Japanese player already upload 570+million at dodonpachi in legal.
very few points are given for all 8 digits players(ALL OTHERS??)now.

If you still think of "MARP is CRAP",why not beat them all crap scores??
TeamNoSheep still waiting for good players. :lol:
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Post by Novice »

Novice wrote: 100 men may have 100 different enjoy.
you had not better speak ill of others even if he made so many junks.
Sorry there is an exception.

1 TAKURO made inp using slowdown.
2 and upload it on his page just to show. not competiton.
3 someone not TAKURO steal it from the page
4 and upload it into MARP
5 coordinator DQed it.

Not because of nationality, not because of "MARP is CRAP"
uploader is extreme stupid.
If coordingator submit it, I MUST APPEAL the his unfair.
it is the fact of this affair. ok??
We should speak ill of SUCH STEALER.
I certain he is not a Japanese.
because he did not realize Japanese comment file....
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Post by QRS »

This whole issue is not about beeing the best or not. I know that Gemant can break almost any record he wants too.

This whole issue is all about behavior.

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Post by Kale »

Main thread:Italians...they believe they can call everybody like what they like,but can't be
touched with anything.Gemant's Bitch called me "childish" and "spy" and "idiot" and "Devil",
while she doesn't understand that the "war" they are fighting is only in their mind.Nobody else
(including myself)is fighting anything,everybody is just expressing his own point of view.
I'm not a spy either;somebody asked a translation and I did it(the REAL one,not the one after
Gemant's secretary treatment).And "somebody" provoked me (the one who believes to be a knight
in every aspect of his life),and I replied to it(notice when you say "Kale lost a big chance
to do his d*ck affairs").And notice another thing:I've never called anybody without his real
name(except for THAT guy;I can't call you with your REAL name).

"Snoop" thread:The NVRAM thing is discussed over and over.The "bla bla bla" is for expressing
that.If you have problems in deleting NVRAMs,why uploading here if you know that it will be
almost surely disqualified?Anf if you didn't know that...well,that's another Italian defect,
DO NOT READ "CONTRACT TERMS".And btw I have ALL the rights to say whatever I want,especially
if I know an answer that others can't.If this isn't right to you,PLEASE LEAVE THIS WORLD NOW!
(and this applies to anybody else which thinks like this too ).These aren't Dark Ages,we
don't live in 1200.
The "liar" thing doesn't apply to you,but that will be discussed next;and the fact that you
want to discuss to me...well I can't understand WHAT you want to discuss to me.
If you want to know from me that you want a decent way to remove NVRAM,ask it to ME!
If you want to just bore me,saying "you stupid bla bla bla",sorry but I'm already busy with
more important things(like putting my finger in my nose).
If you want to know why I have replied to this thread(read carefully,NOT TO YOU!)...already
answered before.

Emuita thread:Maybe "liars" is not the correct term.I want to say "somebody that likes to talk
behind you and then you'll never know".Everybody is stupid in that forum,except for some users
and "the one who created MAME"(It's incredible,but there's still people that doesn't know the
name of who created it;and no,the other programmer devs(not necessarly MAME-related) are all
stupid too).Everybody has a stupid way to follow discussions(including this one):get angry if
somebody says the truth.Call it <insert here bad word>.Kick out his own ideals and his butt

Sorry but I will never post any other reply to that forum:my feelings are already disgusted on
that thing...

After all,if this is a country
on which an idiot(you already know who is)wins the elections twice well...
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Post by kkl »

kale sei passato dal comico al ridicolo

tutto qua quello che hai da dire?beh c'era da aspettarselo

la cosa era finita già un po di giorni fa con buona pace di un po tutti noi,che nonostante avessimo tante cose da dire (parlo x me) ho evitato di farlo prima di tutto x il mio inglese seconda cosa per evitare che questa pagliacciata continuasse ancora.
oltretutto continui a postare in inglese;certo siamo su un forum che con l'italiano non c'entra un cazzo pero visto che quanto detto era rivolto anche a me ti avevo chiesto di venire a scrivere su emuita,e la barriera linguistica rappresenta un enorme ostacolo,lo sai.

-nobody asked for a translation of my posts (e allora continuo a chiedermi perchè cazzo hai scritto qui per me)
<<dove è scritto che non ho detto nulla di utile se sei cosi interessato?>>
quello che intendevo e che non hai assolutamente partecipato attivamente alla discussione,non hai espresso mezza opinione,hai solo detto i cazzi degli altri (you have not expressed your opinions abuot this discussion ,just translated our posts calling us liars .. ma guarda te che cazzo mi tocca fare,pure le traduz<ioni)

And btw I have ALL the rights to say whatever I want,especially
if I know an answer that others can't.......bla bla bla...
well I can't understand WHAT you want to discuss to me.
<<posso dire quello che volgio specialmente se conosco una risposta che altrin non possono conoscere....... non capisco di cosa volgia parlarmi>>?

si,ho notato che fai un po come ca**o ti pare;si è giusto,giustissimo. ( got my reasons if i didnt post there,and i dont have to tell to you)
ma avro pure i fattacci miei per non postare qui o no?
semplicemente: se IO non ho postato qui personalmente,perche lomhai fatto tu per me?il fatto di <<i know an answer that others cant>> non ti giustifica assolutamente.
in caso cmq,te lo ripewto,potevi postare SOLO il mio thread senza fare il nome di emuita,perche gia sapevi che ci sarebbero poi andate di mezzo latre persone. sbaglio o è successo x sbadataggine?

somebody that likes to talk
behind you and then you'll never know
non mi sembra di aver sparlato alle spalle di nessuno (i dindt talk shit behind none marp's users)

After all,if this is a country
on which an idiot(you already know who is)wins the elections twice well...
Sorry but I will never post any other reply to that forum:my feelings are already disgusted on
avevi gia detto che non avrsti piu postato
If you have problems in deleting NVRAMs,why uploading here if you know that it will be
almost surely disqualified?Anf if you didn't know that...well,that's another Italian defect,
DO NOT READ "CONTRACT TERMS".And btw I have ALL the rights to say whatever I want,especially
if I know an answer that others can't.If this isn't right to you,PLEASE LEAVE THIS WORLD NOW!
la versione del mame che ho usato la ricrea in continuazione.una volta registrato l'inp,no essendo al corrente di questo problema,non me ne ero accorto subito, cosi ho mandato la partita che poi e stata squalificata.
forse non ci siamo spiegati,io non ho mai fatto problemi riguardo la squalifica,non mi rode il culo se è questo che pensi
le regole le ho lette,infatti quello è stato l'unico che mi sia stato squalificato ed azzerato (vedi ora io vorrei anche provare a spiegare questi smplici concetti in inglese,ma non ne ho proprio i mezzi)

-<<another italian defect......>> ridicolo,lasicmo perdere va,meglio se inizi a non generalizzare
-<<please leave this world.......>> ti assicuro che non vorresti mai sentire quello che avrei da dirti in proposito

non essendo il solo ad aver di meglio da fare,e
dato che stiamo scadendo (gia da un pezzo a dire il vero),per me la cosa puo finire anche qui
kale io ho detto la mia, tu hai spiegato le tue ragioni (per quanto ridicole possano apparire ai miei occhi)
ognuno di noi pensa di aver sno sicuro che chiunque legga il thread capisca che tu abbia sbaghliato alla grande,tu pensi presumibilmente lo stesso di me.
mi sono fatto un'idea su che tipo di persona sei,anche tu lo avrai fatto sul mio conto
di certo non vorremmo andare a finire a insulti no? almeno non io
qundi con un pizzico di buonsenso e maturita la mia discussione CON TE termina qui.
rispondero in questo thread solo se qualcuno iniziera nuovamente a sparare cazzzate (e ovviamente non mi sto riferisco a te)

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Post by MDenham »

For those of you who don't read Pokey, I think this strip sums this thread up:

(All aside from Kale - dude, you own, Kale. WTG for proving not everyone posting on this thread is a moron or on IRC.)
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Post by MKL »

Kale wrote:Gemant's Bitch called me "childish" and "spy" and "idiot" and "Devil"

Man, the only horns you have are due to your fiancee (talking about bitches) :lol: (this is for Italians only)

It was "poor devil"...I should have written "poor rat", which is what you actually are.
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Post by AL »

Are Italians being insulted here.....???

Can't get any worse than : "Wales 2-1 Italy" :wink:

I bet only Italians will really realise the hugeness of that insult :wink:

Not that I can talk....( Rep. of Ireland )

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Post by Kale »

"nobody asked for a translation of my posts"
This is a common case of a poweful allucination.Never said anything like that.I said:

somebody asked a translation and I did it.

Can't get it?I understand.Changing words of other makes life easier.Even MKL will say something
with sense if you do that...
you have not expressed your opinions abuot this discussion ,just translated our posts
calling us liars
On my planet(Earth),calling somebody liar IS already an opinion.FULL STOP.
"Maybe" you don't get it:I haven't replied "for" you,YOUR HIGHNESS.
in caso...sbatataggine
1°If people is so stupid to talk at a PUBLIC forum saying "x crap/y idiot",is their fault,not
2°"is it possible for you to reveal your source so that the people can check for authenticity?"
question means anything for you???

And btw your Italian sucks too...
non mi sembra di aver sparlato alle spalle di nessuno (i dindt talk shit behind none
marp's users)
Again;"the "liar" thing doesn't apply to you,but that will be discussed next"...
Lack of attention huh?
The only ridiculous thing is that you can't get the meaning of that...
avevi gia detto che non avrsti piu postato
But you still can't get it...
la versione del mame che ho usato la ricrea in continuazione.una volta registrato
l'inp,no essendo al corrente di questo problema,non me ne ero accorto subito, cosi ho
mandato la partita che poi e stata squalificata.forse non ci siamo spiegati,io non ho mai
fatto problemi riguardo la squalifica,non mi rode il culo se è questo che pensi le regole
le ho lette,infatti quello è stato l'unico che mi sia stato squalificato ed azzerato
(vedi ora io vorrei anche provare a spiegare questi smplici concetti in inglese,ma non
ne ho proprio i mezzi)
Believe to me:it isn't a good idea to say that.Checking that there isn't .nv creations is your
first duty.And it will require five seconds to remove NVRAM usage from any MAME32
version and three seconds from any Win16/dos one(on the first you have to change a folder
to the NVRAM default directory,on the second simply change a path in the
mame.cfg).30+ posts on Emuita on this thing and STILL can't find a solution...
ridicolo,lasicmo perdere va,meglio se inizi a non generalizzare
Every Italian (at least the common ones like you) does that.I mean the bad habit to read (once)
anything in less than two seconds and "believe" to understand everything.You just did it
ti assicuro che non vorresti mai sentire quello che avrei da dirti in proposito
My guess is because you don't have ANYTHING at all to say...
This is a (pathetic) way to (try to) stop a discussion.
certo siamo su un forum che con l'italiano non c'entra un cazzo pero visto che quanto
detto era rivolto anche a me ti avevo chiesto di venire a scrivere su emuita
Open your ears:N-E-V-E-R!!!

Bottom line:you can't understand a person with three lines wrote at a forum.And saying
ridiculous FOUR times in a single reply means you just run out of arguments...
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Post by kkl »

che vuoi che ti dica kale
la parola ridicolo mi è sembrata la piu appropriata
ridicolo perchè pur sapendo che non conosco l'inglese,e argomentando buona parte della tua risposta (<<cant get it?.....non hai capito il senso della frase..ecc..>>) su questo fatto,hai insistito a non scrivere in italiano

ridicolo perchè quello che hai fatto è cosi evidentemente stupido ed infantile che è inutile cercare scuse

cambiare le parole del tuo discorso mi rende la vita piu facile (magari ho avuto qualche problema di traduzione);
già,un po come hai fatto tu riassumendo quello che avevo scritto su emuita nel tuo primo post (anche tu a quanto pare come tutti i "common" italiani dai una letta e via)

quando scrivi frasi del tipo: per favore lascia questo mondo,ma cosa vuoi che ti risponda?

se sei convinto di aver ragione,buon per te,cosa cerchi ancora?
hai gia spiegato le tue ragioni,cosi come io le mie
va bene cosi

ps :questo è un altro patetico tentativo per concludere la discussione
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Post by Vaz »

Oh well, it seems I missed an interesting thread these days, too bad my pc takes 40 mins to boot, forcing me to leave it off :?

I have a proposal: why don't you just remove the forum from MARP? No threads, no fights :wink: -- MamEnd: when the end is just the beginning...
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Post by MDenham »

Vaz wrote:Oh well, it seems I missed an interesting thread these days, too bad my pc takes 40 mins to boot, forcing me to leave it off :?

I have a proposal: why don't you just remove the forum from MARP? No threads, no fights :wink:


...for those of you who have been disagreeing with Kale and are therefore stupider than your average Internet user, this post has been thoroughly steeped in sarcasm, as was the previous one.
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