That approach would only serve those who have time to play a lot each and every day.Zhorik wrote:Another approach to try and discourage last minute submissions is to have a random element in the cutoff time. The idea would be to have a random cutoff time somewhere between, for example, the 5th and 8th day. It isn't practical to hold onto INPs for long, since you risk getting cutoff without notice.
if the week runs from Sunday to Sunday, the only time some might have to play is that following weekend...the last 2 days before the deadline.
Why potentially ruin the tournament for them by randomly altering the deadline?
it's all about competing at the games selected. I don't think the last hour of submissions is a big deal anyway. If you can't top the score without viewing other player's replays, then IMHO you don't deserve to win for that game to start with. All playing should strive to get the best score they can get in the time they have available to play. That is the same regardless of other scores submitted.
If I was asked what score have I been able to get for a game...I would answer that. I wouldn't upload the inp though until I was "done" playing. Why upload that then 2 hours later beat my own score easily? Players could upload inps that aren't their best to try and fake out the other players into thinking that is the best they can do.
You can always watch the replays after the fact for your enjoyment.