Hard Dunk (harddunk)

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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How should Hard Dunk be scored?

Poll ended at Sat May 03, 2003 2:46 pm

100 points per round won, plus point difference on each round
100 points per round won, plus total points scored
One point per round won
No votes
Other (please post method)
Total votes: 8

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Hard Dunk (harddunk)

Post by Pika163 »

I was just playing the game "Hard Dunk" and it looks like a different set-up than other basketball games. For example, there isn't just one "game", it's like a series of rounds to play. Whenever you score 11 points per round, you win that round and then go on to the next one. Nobody's posted an .inp yet, so I wasn't sure how to score this game, hence the poll. Here are the options I've come up with so far.

Method 1: 100 points per round won, plus point difference on each round.

Example: You win the first three rounds but lose the fourth. You take away the difference from the opponent's points from yours:

11-5 (100 + 6), 11-2 (100 + 9), 11-7 (100 + 4), 4-11 (0 - 7) = 312

Method 2: 100 points per round won, plus total points

Example: You win the first three rounds but lose the fourth. You add up the total points scored.

11-5 (100 + 11), 11-2 (100 + 11), 11-7 (100 + 11), 4-11 (0 + 4) = 337

Method 3: One point per round won.

Example: You win the first three rounds but lose the fourth. You add up how many rounds you won.

11-5 (1), 11-2 (1), 11-7 (1), 4-11 (0) = 3

If anybody has a different idea about scoring methods, please post your idea.

This poll will run for the standard 7 days.
Last edited by Pika163 on Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Barthax »

As a general rule of thumb, MARP tends to use factors of 10 for points (10, 100, 1000, etc). Otherwise Method 1 would be my choice - 100 * rounds won + point difference.
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Post by Pika163 »

Thanks for the tip, Barthax. The poll and post have been changed to reflect this.
---J. Michael Bottorff
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