PAC's toppyrap recording

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PAC's toppyrap recording

Post by bmclean »

While replaying this recording I noticed that the number of lives left jumps from 4 to 9 during the end of round animation for Space World-5. I'm not familiar with the game myself but the sudden rise in lives seemed strange and there didn't seem to be anything that would indicate that all these lives were going to be awarded. Given that there has been some concern about PAC's recordings I'm hoping somebody who knows the game better can explain what's going on here.
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Re: PAC's toppyrap recording

Post by GJTMarper »

I'm going to take a wild guess and assume an "infinite lives" cheat was applied at the point bmclean saw the number of lives left jump up to 9. (That's how using an infinite lives cheat would look in some games - counter maxes at 9 but the actual lives the player has would be "frozen" at a specific high number.)

Seriously, the nerve of PAC... :roll:
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Re: PAC's toppyrap recording

Post by mahlemiut »

You can't apply a cheat (as in something that modifies the game code or data) in the middle of an INP. INP files only contain the state of input ports and any cheats like this used would have to be in the driver or the game itself or it won't playback correctly.
- Barry Rodewald
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