MAME 0.244 Game Changes

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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MAME 0.244 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

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*** new games
batsugunbl        "Batsugun (bootleg)"
batsugunc         "Batsugun (older, set 2)"
dardos            "Dardos"
dogyuunb          "Dogyuun (oldest set)"
hotd              "The House of the Dead (Revision A)"
kov21022          "Knights of Valour 2 / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 102, 102, 100HK)"
mjmyorntr         "Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Returns [BET] (Japan, v1.00)"
mooncreg2         "Moon Cresta (Electrogame S.A. Spanish bootleg, set 2)"
pongboo2          "Pong Boo! 2 (Ver. 1.31)"
tdragonb3         "Thunder Dragon (bootleg with Raiden sounds, unencrypted)"

*** changed short
hotd -> hotdo              "The House of the Dead"
vgoalsca -> vgoalsoca      "V Goal Soccer (US/Japan/Korea)"
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