MAME 0.251 Game Changes

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MAME 0.251 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

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*** new games
bonzeadvp2        "Bonze Adventure (World, prototype, older)"
cnebula           "Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK)"
decodark          "DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v17)"
decodark15        "DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v15)"
decodark16        "DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v16)"
drail             "Dream Rail"
ffightae          "Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (World, hack)"
gunsmokeua        "Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-01-20)"
huhimage          "Heat Up Hockey Image (Ver.1.003R)"
pcktgalba         "Pocket Gal / unknown card game"
pwrinst2          "Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1)"
racingj           "Racing Jam (GQ676UAC)"
racingja          "Racing Jam (GQ676AAC)"
racingje          "Racing Jam (GQ676EAC)"
racingj2          "Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888UAA)"
racingj2a         "Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888AAA)"
teedoff           "Tee'd Off (World)"
thecastle         "The Castle"
therock           "The Rock"
thrilld           "Thrill Drive (UDE)"
thrillda          "Thrill Drive (ACE)"
thrilldab         "Thrill Drive (ABE)"
thrilldb          "Thrill Drive (UDB)"
thrilldba         "Thrill Drive (ACB)"
thrilldbab        "Thrill Drive (ABB)"
thrilldbj         "Thrill Drive (JCB)"
thrillde          "Thrill Drive (EDE)"
thrilldj          "Thrill Drive (JCE)"
thrilldgej        "Thrill Drive (ver GE713JAB)"
thrilldgke        "Thrill Drive (ver GK713EAB)"
thrilldgkee       "Thrill Drive (ver GK713EEB)"
thrilldgkk        "Thrill Drive (ver GK713K*B)"
thrilldgmj        "Thrill Drive (ver GM713JAB)"
thrilldgnj        "Thrill Drive (ver GN713JAB)"
thrilldgpj        "Thrill Drive (ver GP713JAB)"

*** changed short
teedoff -> teedoffj        "Tee'd Off (Japan)"
thrilld -> thrilldja       "Thrill Drive (JAE)"
thrilldb -> thrilldbja     "Thrill Drive (JAB)"

*** changed both
gunsmokeub -> gunsmokeuc   "Gun.Smoke (US, 851115, set 2)" -> "Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 2)"
gunsmokeua -> gunsmokeub   "Gun.Smoke (US, 851115, set 1)" -> "Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1985-11-15, set 1)"
hkittymp -> mpumpkin       "Hello Kitty Magical Pumpkin (Japan 960712)" -> "Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712)"
pwrinst2 -> pwrinst2a      "Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08)" -> "Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 2)"
racingj -> racingjj        "Racing Jam (JAC)" -> "Racing Jam (GQ676JAC)"
racingj2 -> racingj2e      "Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (EAE)" -> "Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888EAA)"
thrilldbu -> thrilldgeu    "Thrill Drive (ver UFB)" -> "Thrill Drive (ver GE713UFB)"
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