MAME 0.258 Game Changes

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MAME 0.258 Game Changes

Post by ***PL*** »

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*** new games
cupsocsb5         "Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 5)"
dogyuunto         "Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test)"
ffight3b2         "Final Fight 3 (SNES bootleg, set 2)"
kinstsnes         "Killer Instinct (SNES bootleg with timer)"
lkagem            "The Legend of Kage (MSM5232 sound)"
makaimurb         "Makaimura (Japan Revision B)"
mexicoi           "Mexico 86 (Italian speech)"
pururun           "Pururun (set 1)"
rygarj2           "Argus no Senshi (Japan set 2)"
sinistarc         "Sinistar (revision 3, cockpit)"
sinistarc2        "Sinistar (revision 2, cockpit)"
snowbro2b3        "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3)"
surfplnt20        "Surf Planet (version 2.0)"
wasafari          "Wanpaku Safari (J 981109 V1.000)"
x80wc             "X80 - War Command (ManilaMatic bootleg of Missile Command)"

*** changed short
lkageoo -> lkageo2         "The Legend of Kage (oldest)"
tappera -> tapperb         "Tapper (Budweiser, 12/9/83)"
tapperb -> tappera         "Tapper (Budweiser, 1/12/84)"

*** changed both
leprechn -> leprechna      "Leprechaun" -> "Leprechaun (set 2)"
leprechp -> leprechn       "Leprechaun (Pacific)" -> "Leprechaun (set 1)"
pururun -> pururuna        "Pururun" -> "Pururun (set 2)"
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