Code: Select all
*** new games
automatm "Automat (bootleg of Robocop, Modular System)"
dietgo "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1)"
lrescueabl "Lunar Rescue (Artic bootleg)"
mushik4t "Mushiking The King Of Beetles - Mushiking IV / V / VI (Taiwan)"
p47a "P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World)"
*** changed short
dietgoea -> dietgoeb "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.08.04)"
p47b -> p47bl "P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World, bootleg)"
*** changed both
dietgoe -> dietgoea "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v2)" -> "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3)"
dietgo -> dietgoe "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v3)" -> "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 2)"