Why BBH?

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Why BBH?

Post by Vaz »

What does the nickname BBH mean? I know it ain't no business of mine, but I'm simply curious, since his real name is Matt Hall (how I found out? ICQ's white pages); if someone wants to hear my nickname's story, ask me and I'll tell you. Now, BBH, reveal us the secret ;)

Alex Weir

Post by Alex Weir »

Bloody Big High-scores ?

Bam Bam High-scores ?


Big Big Hi.....bleh , the list is endless ?




p.s don`t mention secrets....just in case GB9 is reading :)


p.p.s. Ok, why ' Vaz ' ?


Post by BBH »

Wow, I've gone through two ICQ accounts (forgot the password to one,
never use the other... probably forgot that password too), but you
could've found out my name from pretty much anyone in #marp too. :)
Either way, the subject line of this thread kinda concerned me when I
first saw it since I thought I'd pissed someone off...


anyway. It's a long and silly story, but roughly a decade or so ago I
was doodling on a book cover in school, and drew some simple little
character that I really liked the look of. I have no artistic ability
either, for the record. But I kept drawing that silly thing, and
decided I needed a name for it. It's head resembled a bowling ball,
thus Bowling Ball Head was born. Then a few months later, for some
reason I was tired of entering my own initials into arcade games one
day, so I just put in BBH since it's much quicker than MGH. From that
day on, BBH just stuck. It became my alias when I started going on
Bulletin Board Systems, and later the internet. And I have no
intentions of "retiring" it any time soon...


Ok, now everyone else needs to reveal what their nicks mean :P




Post by JoustGod »

I'm still trying to figure out why I chose mine...



Post by Notman »

Heh! That is a good one! BBH! In early 80's arcade days! A friend of
mine got pissed off on that day I beaten almost every games back then
including Tempest! So I changed my init. to ETS! My friend was
trying to figure out who was (person) ETS was until another friend
told them that was me! So anyway, I had them guessing what ETS stand
for a long time! Actually I retired that init. long time ago, only few
people knew what that init. stand for and most of them gave up!


Post by Gameboy9 »

My nickname comes consists of two parts.

Gameboy came from my Latin Teacher in Westminster High School(grades
10 - 12). He called me that for my ability to come up with unique
games. The nickname stuck.


the number 9 comes from avoiding double nicks on the IRC channels.


You know... you load IRC - you find that the gameboy nick is already
taken, so you have to take another nick... so I just threw in the
number 9 permenantly, and that's what I use.

J.D. Lowe

Post by J.D. Lowe »

Well, mine's not too hard to figure out. Look at the capital letters:

"Jedi Drunken Llama" = "J.D. Lowe"


A long time ago (insert Jedi joke here), me and my buddies were the
outcasts of the school. So, since we had our own little group, we
decided to come up with a name for our group. We became the "Just-Us
Leak" (think "Justice League"), and we started coming up with
superhero names for all of us. One of my friends was "Hades" another
was "Virtual Killer", and mine was "Drunken Llama" (inspired by a
sketch from Monty Python; think of the dangerous llama with John
Cleese singing lead). I went home and told my mom how we all goofed
around with our names. She happened to mention "Well, 'Drunken
Llama', think of the initials; that could fit the JDL in your name if
you just came up with something for the J.....hmmm..perhaps 'Jester',
or 'Jedi'". Jedi seemed to pop out more, so it's stuck with me for
the past 4-5 years!




J.D. "Jedi Drunken Llama" Lowe


Post by Vaz »

Ok, it's my turn now, but beware: this is a stupid story. Until 1993 I
used to enter my real initials (V.S), then I got bored with them and
started looking for something more decent. I came up with nothing
better than 'VXS', since it was very fast to enter. Summer 1993. Me
and my friends used to play all the time Super Sidekicks 2 and that
Gaelco rally game whose name I don't remember right now. Since they
told me the initials I used sucked, they started to think another one
for me. In the same period, one of them, without any reason (but the
influence of alcohol), began to call me 'Vazco' instead of 'Vasco', so
there's the great idea! Why not use 'VAZ' instead of 'VXS'? The choice
was made and it remained the same (forever, I think) and it came up
useful when I started playing with my first band in 1994, when we
three introduced ourselves with our nicknames so, in case of a bad
audience, nobody could ever find us out ;)
Now you know all the story, you may have got bored but don't say I
didn't warn you!

Ben Jos Walbeehm

Post by Ben Jos Walbeehm »

Not much of a story to mine, and it's a very lame one at that. When I
started getting on IRC many years ago and had to choose a nick, I
didn't have enough imagination to come up with one, so I just used my
first name ("Ben Jos"). Now, since IRC doesn't allow spaces, I used an
underscore: "Ben_Jos", but I noticed that everyone just called me
"Ben" (which I hate), so I changed it to "BenJos". Didn't help much.
Lots of people still call me "Ben". Ah well...


Ben Jos.

Mark Longridge

Post by Mark Longridge »

I trust my nick "cubeman" needs no explanation.

Alex Weir

Post by Alex Weir »

err....my initials / nick-name / is ' AL '.
Amazingly, thats because it`s short for Alex :)

Paul Simon kindly even put it into words for me :)


AL.....( the person formerly known as ' ALEX ' )


Post by bubble »

hmmm, my bubble bobble inps pretty explain my nick :)


Post by Hisa-Chan »

My real name.period.


but I drunk much ,nick change to "DANGEROUS-REPLAYER".


2AM or after at office,"HARD-WORKER".not fake nick.

Ron Corcoran

Post by Ron Corcoran »

I suppose either of my nicks need no explanation as well.

MCP -> hmmm, that's a toughy... :)


Sniper75 -> If you don't know me or my past, it's a former occupation
with the 75th Ranger Regiment (US Army). Nuff said. :)



david oliver

Post by david oliver »

okie my turn...

well on valentines day 1986 i was born. my mom called me david. her
last name was oliver. thats how i got my name. nuff said


oh and i played a lot of dodonpachi (it's MY game - do = my initials)
